Our process is simple. Call us now and ascend today!
Step 1:
Initial Contact and Consultation

Client calls Ascend.
Ascend conducts conflict check.
Free initial consultation is scheduled.
During initial consultation, Ascend Attorney and Client discuss relevant case and issues.
Ascend project is established and defined.
Deadlines for the first draft and final draft of project are set (all deadlines are guaranteed).
Budget for project is established.
Step 2:
First Draft and Editing

First draft of project is sent to Client on or before pre-scheduled due date.
Client reviews first draft.
Client and Ascend Attorney schedule a meeting to discuss Client's thoughts/edits.
First draft review meeting is free of charge.
Step 3:
Final Draft

Ascend incorporates Client's edits and sends Client the completed project on or before pre-scheduled due date.